Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?
주인공이 컨셉충이면 곤란한가요, Is it Difficult if the Main Character is a Concept Bug

Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

  • 3.1 / 5 ( 11 votes )


    I’m a roleplayer. A gamer who creates characters according to their classes and happily acts as them.

    “Don’t… Touch me……”

    “Talk more and see if you can handle my wrath……”

    My current character was a Demon Knight who kept a Demon sealed in his right arm! One day while I was just acting as my character and enjoying the game as usual……

    “Log out.”

    [This command cannot be carried out.]

    “……? Log out.”

    [This command cannot be carried out.]


    And as if not being able to log out wasn’t enough…

    “You disgusting Demon! So you finally took over Sir Demon Knight’s body!”

    “My eyes cannot be deceived! Sir Demon Knight isn’t that kind!”

    Because of my damn companions I couldn’t even stop role playing!

    Can this role playing gamer faithful to their setting ever return to reality?

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